Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eggs Marshall

Sorry it's been a while. I've never been good at updating this ol' thing. And now there's a new addition to the family! We shall call him Bubs! We're all still adjusting and I'm slowly working my way back into the kitchen and away from the quick-fix box meals. (There's nothing bad with Hamburger Helper, just a little boring.) Today, I shall introduce you to Eggs Marshall (picture unavailable since the nursing mommy scarfed it up too fast, but here's another cool picture which is still somewhat relevant to today's post).

(Man, I wish I could get my hunnybun to wear a fedora!)

I got the simple recipe/seasoning tip from the show "How I Met Your Mother". Lily adds just a couple of squirts of Italian Dressing to scrambled eggs and bada-bing! you've got Eggs Marshall. Quite tasty! You can adjust the amount of dressing depending on the taste buds of the consuming connoisseur.